Bristol Inkjet Prices
Office A3 A4 multi function printer
- HP Laser M775
Size in inches and paper
Printer only / Add. cost for M775
- £165 / £130
£best prices
Wide format DesignJet printers
- HP 500 / 510 / 800
- HP 500 / 510 / 800
- HP T610 / T1100 T1120 / T620 / T1120 /T770 T790 / T795 *
- HP T610 / T1100 T1120 / T620 / T1120 /T770 T790 / T795 /T1200 / T1300 *
- HP T920 T930 T1500 T1530 *
Size in inches and paper
- 24 up to A1
- 42 up to and over A0
- 24 up to A1
- 44 up to and over A0
- 36″ up to A0
Printer only / Add. cost for M775
- £55 / £130
- £63 / £130
- £75 – £90 / £130
- £90 – £105 / £130
- £95-£105 / £130
£best prices
Wide format multi function printer
- T2300
- T2500
- T3500
Size in inches and paper
- 44″ up to and over A0
- 36″ up to A0
- 36″ up to A1
Printer only / Add. cost for M775
- £135 / £130
- £135 / £130
- £145 / £130
£best prices
Other Models
- T1700, T730 and T830 and Z the range (Z2100 Z3200 Z5200 Z5400 Z2600, Z5600, Z6200)
We have these as well from time to time.
*Prices vary as some machine in this range have additional features – such as Dual roll, Post script.
All printers have wireless upgrade if required. All printers have network cards. All printers come with stands and paper catchers. Delivery and collection from £80 each way. Call for special pricing if more printers are needed on any one site.
£best prices